16.917 2

Raimo Ketolainen

Premium (World), HELSINKI


Symphoricarpos, commonly known as the snowberry, waxberry, or ghostberry, is a small genus of about 15 species of deciduous shrubs in the honeysuckle family, Caprifoliaceae. With the exception of the Chinese coralberry, S. sinensis, which is indigenous to western China, all species are native to North and Central America. The name of the genus is derived from the Ancient Greek words ????????? (sumphoreîn), meaning "to bear together", and ?????? (karpós), meaning "fruit". It refers to the closely packed clusters of berries the species produces.[4]

Snowberry is a resilient plant able to withstand a variety of conditions. Their deep roots allow them to survive dry seasons, and they have been known to grow in a variety of soil types such as light sandy soil, medium loamy soil and heavier clay soil.[5] Snowberry plants are most commonly found low-to mid elevations, in forests, dry or moist openings, rocky hillsides or near riverbanks and streams.[5] Snowberry plants are also able to grow in a wide range of acidic and basic pHs and sunlight conditions.[5]

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Views 16.917


Kamera SM-A536B
Objektiv ---
Blende 1.8
Belichtungszeit 1/50
Brennweite 5.2 mm
ISO 50

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