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Pierre- Laurent Aimard am 17. Februar 2018 im Strawinsky Saal der Donauhallen in Donaueschingen

Pierre- Laurent Aimard am 17. Februar 2018 im Strawinsky Saal der Donauhallen in Donaueschingen

17.832 3

Heinz Bunse

Premium (Basic), Donaueschingen

Pierre- Laurent Aimard am 17. Februar 2018 im Strawinsky Saal der Donauhallen in Donaueschingen

"Widely acclaimed as a key figure in the music of our time and as a uniquely significant interpreter of piano repertoire from every age, Pierre-Laurent Aimard enjoys an internationally celebrated career. In recognition of a life devoted to the service of music he was awarded the prestigious 2017 International Ernst von Siemens Music Prize.

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