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My spineoperation

My spineoperation

1.143 4

Helene Åvall

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Askim - Gothenburg

My spineoperation

The 16th of february, I have done the spineoperation . The doctor has take away the crashed disc, and build up a " cage " , with bones from my hip . He has strenghten up around som other disc, and at the end, set on 3 piece of 5cm long screws.
I have still pain, when I move, but I will get stronger for each day. I long until I can be able to take my camera and walk in the forest again.

The spring has come to Gothenburg now, today we have + 10 degrees. I was out for a walk down to the sea , it was just lovely. But I cannot walk to fast or to long....

Lots of greetings to ALL my friends

Kommentare 4

  • Fuchs Wolfgang 12. März 2012, 22:48

    dear helene,
    i hope you get well very soon, to show us your fine
    kind regards
  • Alfred Schultz 12. März 2012, 11:02

    and I was wondering why you didn't
    show us some of your pictures lately.
    An interesting part-view of your inside.
    Speedy recovery.
    Hugs - A.
  • Insulaire 11. März 2012, 23:45

    OhOh ...
    Aber Du hast es gut überstanden.
    Weiterhin gute und schnelle Genesung!
    Lb. Gruß. Insu
  • Esther Richter 11. März 2012, 20:03

    liebe helene, das ist ja furchtbar....ich wusste nicht das du operiert worden bist...ich hoffe es geht dir wieder gut.
    ich wünsche dir gute besserung und das du bald keine beschwerden mehr hast.
    liebe grüße


Views 1.143


Kamera Canon EOS 60D
Objektiv Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/60
Brennweite 87.0 mm
ISO 400