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Matjes, van door het venster. (Friends, seen through the window)

Matjes, van door het venster. (Friends, seen through the window)

744 2

Filip Meulemeester

Premium (Pro), Koksijde

Matjes, van door het venster. (Friends, seen through the window)

Windows ("Venster" in Dutch)

I do work on an Apple. But I like Windows too. Looking through windows gives you an other perspective.
With all the marketing around i-Pods, i-Macs, i-Phone, i-Pads, ...eating apples will be one of the less pleasant Jobs in the near future, i-think.
We have too much of an i-Want wave. A good glass of wine, or a cup of coffee, face to face with my friends brings me more happiness than the smooth design of hyped electronic toys.

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Views 744


Kamera NIKON D300
Objektiv ---
Blende 2.8
Belichtungszeit 1/30
Brennweite 24.0 mm
ISO 800