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Kunsthalle Bielefeld

Kunsthalle Bielefeld

10.597 8

Karol Mach

Premium (Pro), Bielefeld

Kommentare 8

Bei diesem Foto wünscht Karol Mach ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • noblog 10. Februar 2024, 20:46

    Bild einer Ausstellung !
    Sehr gut so in S/W !
    LG Norbert
  • David Arduini 31. Januar 2024, 0:15

    Hi Karol thank you for your response to my photo. IT says you are a beginner; you definitely look much more advanced than that. But if you would like any constructive critism I'll try. As far as this photo I think the lighting and composition are good. Maybe if the people and Umbrella were lit up a little it would have given it a more 3-dimensional look. Because I grew up studying cinema and psychological movies, Alfred Hitchcock, etc. If everything was black except the top left window with the three people in it, I think it would force the viewer to feel like they were in a dream sequence. It would pull the viewer into another world, as happens to young children before they learn what is possible, I have always been able to access the dream world because mainstream is not my thing. That is why I like nature. 
    You have a very good eye, cheers david
  • sieg.spindler 1. Oktober 2023, 14:58

    Die Kontraste gefallen besonders!
    LG Siegi
  • Peter Meerdink 1. Mai 2023, 15:45

    Eine Rahmenerzählung mit schönen Kontrasten !
    LG Peter M
  • alexander stefanatos 5. März 2023, 11:07

    Excellent  cadre!
    friendly  alexander
  • Wolfgang der Lustige 14. Februar 2023, 19:38

    Super SW Bearbeitung. Gefällt mir sehr. LG Wolfgang
  • PeterR.59 14. Februar 2023, 16:56

    Eine sehr schöne s/w Aufnahme. Insbesondere die Personen im Fenster gefallen mir sehr gut. VG, Peter
  • Norbert G. Grassler 14. Februar 2023, 16:22

    Sehr gute Lichtstudie, Kontrastreich in SW dargestellt.
    LG Norbert


Ordner Test
Views 10.597


Kamera NIKON Z 6
Objektiv Viltrox AF 85/1.8 Z
Blende 1.8
Belichtungszeit 1/100
Brennweite 85.0 mm
ISO 200

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