Exotic Beauty (39) : Azores Bellflower
The past years I made several visits to the conservatories of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium where 10.000 (!) plant and tree species originating from the tropics and the subtropics are growing in the greenhouses over there.
Thanks to the warm and moist climate in the conservatories and the intensive maintenance, it’s really amazing what an immense great variety of exotic flowers from all over the world can be seen there, even in the cold winter season !
Flowers whose natural habitat is situated in the rainforest, the mountain forest, isolated islands, deserts, etc……. Places that most of us will never or seldom visit.
Some of the flowers are very rare, extremely colourful or specially shaped.
Others were introduced in Europe by men and became a cultivated species or an ornamental houseplant.
I selected the –to my personal taste- most beautiful flowers that I saw there and made a series of them.
It’s the only species in the series of which I don’t know the name. I’m sorry.
If anyone can help ?
UPDATE DECEMBER 2014 : I now know what species it is !
Dutch name : Azorenklokjesbloem
German name : Azorenglockenblume
Latin name : Azorina vidalii (prev. campanula vidalii)
Country of origin : the Azores
Deryck 20. Februar 2011, 8:19
It is a stunning flower! Great shot again Mark! I missed so many of your beautiful pictures in the last couple of weeks. I will try to catch up :-))Deryck
TeresaM 19. Februar 2011, 11:00
Les photos se suivent et la vision est toujours aussi superbe !Bon week-end, Mark :-)
Hans-Günther Schöner 18. Februar 2011, 11:54
Wunderschön,deine Blüten mit Wassertropfen.
Andrea Sagawe 17. Februar 2011, 19:00
Beautiful shot with excellent sharpness.The drops let this look so wonderful fresh
A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 17. Februar 2011, 17:36
Wunderschön hast du diese Schönheit festgehalten.Leider kann ich in Bezug auf ihren Namen auch nicht weiterhelfen.
LG Bergjäger
† Ushie Farkas 17. Februar 2011, 7:10
Ich bin begeistert, Mark!!! Grüße UshieKaith Kakavouli 17. Februar 2011, 4:50
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Pascal Viyer 17. Februar 2011, 4:24
a great idea for us, Markamitié
Ayse Nalan Yasin 17. Februar 2011, 1:04
Excellent shot with the drops Mark and thank you so muchCheers Ayse
Adele D. Oliver 17. Februar 2011, 0:04
Very exquisite little lantern blossoms with the special touch of the waterdrops. A lovely capture with the usual great sharpness!!greetings, Adele
Hans-Reiner Bohn 16. Februar 2011, 19:57
excellent Series, Mark!sorry for not being able to follow up with comments at the moment...
Angelika El. 16. Februar 2011, 19:03
Wundervolle, kleine weiße Glöckchen und die grünen Häubchen dazu - einfach sooo schön!!! Nein, von diesen exot. Schönheiten weiß ich leider auch keinen Namen!
Josef Kainz 16. Februar 2011, 17:47
Ein sehr schönes Blumenmakrojosef
carinart 16. Februar 2011, 17:39
Sehr guter Bildaufbau, und die Tropfen schillern, dass es eine Freude ist!L.G. Karin
Vitória Castelo Santos 16. Februar 2011, 16:52
Wonderful this one too.Regards