Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Creek Street, Ketchikan, Alaska

KETCHIKAN (TLINGIT, the native language: KICHX?ÁAN)
Just 90 miles north of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Ketchikan hugs the bluffs that form the shoreline along the southwest corner of Revillagigedo Island. Stretching 31 miles long but never more than 10 blocks wide, Ketchikan is centered on Tongass Avenue. On one side of the avenue, many businesses and homes are built on stilts out over the water, while on the other side they cling to the steep slopes and often have winding wooden staircases leading to their doors. Ketchikan has about 8000 inhabitants.

Kommentare 52

  • Thorny Devil 12. Oktober 2022, 19:20

    Alaska isn't on my list yet, but this reminds me a lot of Norway. A beautiful perspective where the houses and reflections border the water very naturally.
  • a. segura 2 12. Oktober 2022, 10:37

    bonita toma y reflejos,saludos
  • BGW-photo 11. Oktober 2022, 22:32

    A fascinating trip in a totally different area ... great memories and pictures, I believe! 
    This kind of wooden support constructions remembers me of Rye... have a look ;-) 
    Rye, low tide ...
    Rye, low tide ...

    My best wishes,  Bernd
    • Adele D. Oliver 11. Oktober 2022, 22:52

      thank you very much, Bernd - yes, a very similar construction and well shown where the boats sitting high and dry most interesting for me. In my picture the Ketchikan Creek leads inland from the Pacific Ocean and would really be affected by a high tide - therefore the
      boardwalk and houses on it ...
  • SYLDERO 10. Oktober 2022, 22:20

    J'ADORE toutes ces maisons colorées..
  • Monika Arnold 10. Oktober 2022, 18:39

    Eine fantastische Aufnahme ist dir gelungen liebe Adele.
    Ganz liebe Grüße Monika
  • emen49 10. Oktober 2022, 17:23

    Klasse Bildaufbau!
    Starke Architekturaufnahme.
    Viele Grüße
  • Blula 10. Oktober 2022, 12:50

    Sehr gut, Adele, ich denke, Du hattest hier einen ausgezeichneten Standort für diese sehenswerte Aufnahme gefunden.
    LG Ursula
  • magic-colors 10. Oktober 2022, 0:04

    Eine wunderbare Perspektive. Die Häuser stehen wohl auf Stelzen :))
    Liebe Grüße aNette
  • Bernd Junge 9. Oktober 2022, 21:58

    I have never seen such a construction method of housebuilding along a steep coast. Very interesting to see the "street" on stilts along the houses. An impressive capture to show this.
    Warm regards Bernd
  • Andreas Boeckh 9. Oktober 2022, 21:29

    I do understand why cruise ships visit this place. It looks like a place from a fairy tale.
  • Michèle FLEURY 9. Oktober 2022, 15:42

    Les constructions sont très sympathiques au-dessus de l'eau ou tout près, la promenade-rue près des maisons longe les bords de l'eau en beauté, un plaisir d'habiter cet endroit au charme discret dans la nature, entre hauteurs boisées bien vertes et eau sombre aux clairs reflets! Un petit paradis aquatique! Ta photo très nette et bien cadrée valorise cette vision colorée où j'aime le style des habitations en bois! Bises et compliments Adele, bonne fin d'après-midi! Michèle
  • Gelo Charro 9. Oktober 2022, 12:37

    Excelente y bello trabajo, con grandes reflejos y una perspectiva genial!!!
  • claudine capello 9. Oktober 2022, 11:05

    très jolie composition  et charmante image! bravo cl
  • Alfred Schultz 9. Oktober 2022, 10:34

    When all the cruise ships dock
    here at the same time, however,
    it'll get crowded on this street.
    Gruss - A.
    • Adele D. Oliver 9. Oktober 2022, 18:19

      thank you, Alfred - and you are so right - when we sailed to Ketchikan in 2006, there were 5 cruiseships in the harbour -
      so bizarre all the people in this tiny town ...
  • JOKIST 8. Oktober 2022, 21:23

    Dein Bild lädt zum Verweilen ein

    Ingrid und Hans


Ordner Alaska
Views 49.688


Kamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objektiv 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/400
Brennweite 4.3 mm
ISO 200

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