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Another Rainy Day In Iowa

Another Rainy Day In Iowa

1.896 6

Howard Mattix

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Omaha, Nebraska

Another Rainy Day In Iowa

We have had rain almost every day the last two weeks making the Memorial Day a washout as far as being able to pay respects top our love ones.l

Kommentare 6

  • bbbccc 15. Juni 2013, 8:31

    It doesn't look brilliant; however it suits the remembrance day.
  • Andreas Wellnitz 3. Juni 2013, 11:42

    With us it rains also like from buckets,vg.Andreas!
  • Harold Thompson 28. Mai 2013, 9:47

    We are getting changeable weather last two days sunshine and today raining. :-)) Harold
  • s. sabine krause 28. Mai 2013, 9:42

    yes, lots of rain over here, too! and cold temperatures… still, your little red farm here looks almost cozy and snug under the brooding rain sky. it's roof is slowling becoming a part of the sky it seems, or… vice versa? nah, i don't think so… but if the sun still hasn't returned to your parts of the world by now, you should try to get in touch with him, and tell him how you miss his warm rays. sometimes it helps (see below!) ; )). greetings, sabine.
  • Tania Skaradek 28. Mai 2013, 1:11

    Any way your rainy day is looking great Howard:-)
    Beautiful landscape!
  • Adele D. Oliver 27. Mai 2013, 21:04

    such a big and threatening sky over the tiny homestead and wide fields .... your image gives a good idea of your wet and gloomy weather and mood !!!
    hope the sun comes back soon !!!
    greetings, Adele


Views 1.896


Kamera DSLR-A350
Objektiv ---
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/320
Brennweite 100.0 mm
ISO 200