Grzegorz Szczerbaciuk

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Siedlce

Über mich

... hmmm ... what can I write ?
Let my pictures speak for me ...

Kommentare 28

  • sebastian romero 31. Oktober 2008, 18:19

    I congratulate you, my friend, for you are very creative and have an own vision as an artist, a visual one. Your images are strong, from composition to colors, and you are not afraid to express anything. Once more, go on and congratulations.
  • interpol 26. März 2007, 22:27

    wow, what a great innovative form of photography!

  • Mark Mich 10. Januar 2007, 23:17

    Chyle czola :D
    Podziwiam tworczosc i zmyslowosc ktora jest widoczna w twoich pracach. Pozdrawiam marek
  • Patrick B. Parenteau 7. Februar 2006, 2:30

    Radical, creative and provacative work...Patrick
  • Mietek K. 27. Dezember 2005, 23:58

    aus Siedlce???
    tam chodzilem do podstawowki... nr 5 zreszta...:)))

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie
  • Dennis Veldman 27. November 2005, 2:03

    Awesome photographs, i really enjoyed being surprised with every photograph you showed me here.
  • Pascal Triponez 18. Oktober 2005, 19:40

  • Kate Cymmer Photography 28. August 2005, 20:03

    czesc grzesiu...

    fantastyczne prace masz!!!!

    pozdrawiam serdecznie
  • Zbigniew Tappert 10. Juli 2005, 22:56

    niezle niezle.!
    3maj sie stary.
  • Costantinos Milonas 5. Juli 2005, 20:51

    Photos With Passion, Tense and Emotion.
    Yes Your Photos Speaks of You.
    Excellent Work.
  • Wolf Paulik 18. Mai 2005, 11:49

    Your unconventional style is remarkable and excells from the mass of photographs here.

    Best - sproject
  • Rob Wells 17. Mai 2005, 20:27

    Any chance I can borrow your equipment ? Oh, and your models, eyes, technique and ability ?

    Show off !! ;-)

    Regards. Rob
  • Hans Frechen 14. Mai 2005, 15:26

    Great Works!!!
  • So- Lo 8. April 2005, 22:20

    Beautiful pictures that indeed speak for themselves.

    take care,
  • Gosia Saksonka Czudzinowicz 21. März 2005, 22:51

    Witam na fc :)
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