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The Teton Range

The Teton Range,

In geologic times these mountains are the energetic teenagers of the Rocky Mountain chain: active, growing, yet sculptured by erosion.

The rise of the Range

Nine million years ago, the earth's crust broke into two rectangular blocks along the Teton fault, a 40-mile-long zone of weakness. Through sporadic movements, the western block hinged skyward to become the Teton Range, while the eastern block tilted downward to form the valley called Jackson Hole. The valley sank four times more than the mountains rose. Displacement continues, and an earthquake producing movement along the fault can occur at any time.

panorama picture,
Original size: 13444 x 3893 px

Kommentare 3

  • Martinas Art 7. September 2009, 13:45

    wunderschönes Panorama.........finde ich sehr gelungen!
    LG Martina
  • Bine Boger 7. September 2009, 13:22

    Wunderschönes Panoramafoto!! Es vermittelt das Gefühl von Weite!!
    LG BIne
  • Christian On 7. September 2009, 12:30

    grossartige aufnahme...gelungener bildaufbau und passendes format...sieht schon sehr beeindruckend aus, dieser riegel aus fels und eis