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Snuggled Up with a Good Book...

Snuggled Up with a Good Book...

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Snuggled Up with a Good Book...

...in an Annapolis shop window.

This stopped a photographer in his tracks while exploring the
Maryland capital one summer evening with a "new" film camera.

Anyone who knows cats will recognize that "rapt" look
they get when something attracts their undivided attention...

as would the - apparent - subject matter of this volume.

I suspect one of two things will happen, though....

Kitty will drift off to sleep in her comfy bed and have nightmares of
being dive-bombed by flocks of steroidal mutant mockingbirds...

Or she will shred the pages out of ire over a misrepresentative book title and will CATerwaul
loudly at the next meeting of her book club over this unconscionably deceptive travesty.

Or...third choice...she might just snuggle in her human's lap...
purr loudly...and make like Scout...next time the movie's showing.

From a film image.
Soundtrack by Elmer Bernstein

©2019 Steve Ember

Kommentare 2

  • Adele D. Oliver 9. Februar 2019, 1:21

    a wonderful scene with the kitty and perfect advertising
    for an excellent book that has just recently come back
    "into fashion" (at least here). I like your image very much-
    and your story too :-)))
    warm regards and wish you a nice weekend,
    • Steve Ember 9. Februar 2019, 1:36

      Thank you, Adele. So happy you liked!
      Glad to read the book is getting new attention up there - as well it should; movie, too and that wonderful Elmer Bernstein score!
      Warm regards to you and best wishes for a photo-enticing weekend.