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Night life in the Old Market in Siem Reap

Night life in the Old Market in Siem Reap

4.757 1


Premium (World), Bangkok

Night life in the Old Market in Siem Reap

To think that in Siem Reap is not much to do after dark, would be absolute wrong. While the nightlife doesn’t even come close to that of Thailand, or even Phnom Penh, I liked it more than at many other places which are more common. Prices normally keep moderate and there isn't any tout coyotes who are drilled to bagger every tourist.
We should hope that the flair will not soon change into the negative.

Kommentare 1

  • Hans-Günther Schöner 31. März 2014, 19:42

    Wo du bist ...ist immer was los !!

    Ich steuere im Sommer mein 34. Urlaubsland an.

    Wir sind auch am liebsten in der Welt unterwegs.
    Das kann einem keiner mehr nehmen.

    Andere Länder, andere Kulturen...gibt es was schöneres? Nein !!

    Klasse Nachtaufnahme !!

    Mach weiter so !!

    Viele Grüße
    für dich und deine Frau/Familie