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lost you suddenly - dark pain

lost you suddenly - dark pain

1.114 2


kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Gelsenkirchen

lost you suddenly - dark pain

I don't think that it's
Gonna rain again today,
There's a devil at your side,
But an angel on the way

Someone hit the light,
Cause there's more here to be seen,
When you caught my eye,
I saw everywhere I'd been

And what I go to...

You came on your own,
And that's how you'll leave,
With hope in your hands,
And air to breathe,

I won't disappoint you,
As you fall apart,
Some things should be simple,
Even an end has a start,


You came on your own,
And that's how you'll leave,
With hope in your hands,
And air to breathe,
You'll lose everything,
But in the end,
Still my broken limbs,
Will find time to mend

More and more people I
Know are getting ill
(Put something good on the,
Ashes now be still)


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Views 1.114


Kamera COOLPIX P6000
Objektiv ---
Blende 2.7
Belichtungszeit 1/60
Brennweite 6.0 mm
ISO 94