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Lines of Relations

Lines of Relations

2.591 5

Bogac Erguvenc

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Istanbul

Lines of Relations

Relations are like roads with shadows and light. Sometimes you get in to bright side, sometimes to the dark. In this long journey, only walking hand by hand matters. Cheers.

Kommentare 5

  • Roberto Grilli 21. September 2006, 19:34

    I think that in b&w or monochrome would come up better but still very nice.
  • Lara G. 28. Juni 2006, 22:20

    I love your idea and words... I agree totally with you. It is important to remember that... Thanks for this nice pic!
  • Mircea Tiron-Tudor 20. Juni 2006, 17:05

    I like this kind of photo. Good composition and perspective.
    Regards, Mircea
  • Nilüfer Barin 16. Juni 2006, 14:01

    I like it...
  • Timm Pieper 13. Juni 2006, 20:31

    I really like this picture! It is perfect together with your text :-)
    The hard contrast works really well and the choice of sharpness that way and not on the persons makes it more interesting in my opinion.
    Best regards, Timm