In line...waiting for....?
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 F2.8 på 24mm, F4,5, 120 sek, ISO 250
Taken more than an hour after sunset, somwhere deep in the swedish forests...
In line...waiting for....?
Nikon D800, Nikon 24-70 F2.8 på 24mm, F4,5, 120 sek, ISO 250
Taken more than an hour after sunset, somwhere deep in the swedish forests...
Tor-Henrik Furmyr 20. August 2016, 2:27
It was a woriking scrapyard/salvage yard decades ago.. then it closed down for some reason, and the cars were just left there.. Now it's kind of a cultural thing for car people (and photographers)....Harold Thompson 19. August 2016, 9:51
Obliviously a place used as a dumping ground. No scrap yards so they can be recycled:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 19. August 2016, 8:40
WHY??? Why would you take and leave an old car into the depths of a beautiful forest... and leave it ???An excellent depiction of the stupidity of the human race and how they can and do despoil our beautiful world.