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Happiness and Health to All.

Happiness and Health to All.

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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Radcliffe, Manchester.

Happiness and Health to All.

I wish everyone at Fotocommunity a Happy and Healthy 2015.
May you share lots of joy and happiness with your families and loved ones.
My wife and I are looking forward to the New Year with our little treasure Naomi, our first grandchild, who will be bringing lots of joy and happiness to our lives.
God Bless you All.
Sincerely, Maurice.

Kommentare 9

  • JX 3. Januar 2015, 10:04

    Auch ich wünsche dir und deinen Lieben ein gutes Jahr 2015
    LG Beat Niederhauser

  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 1. Januar 2015, 0:35

    Fantastic and lovely picture !! Wishing you and family a splendid, happy new year !!! Elvi
  • Dennis Maloney 31. Dezember 2014, 18:14

    ....a beautiful image of your beautiful grand daughter Naomi, and what could bring more joy then this to welcome in the New Year. I am sure she will fill your lives with joy and happiness, thanks for sharing this family moment with us....
    Love and Best Wishes,
  • Jürg Scherrer 31. Dezember 2014, 17:35

    Hallo Maurice -
    Vielen herzlichen Dank - wünsch auch Dir und Deinen Liebsten alles Beste für's Neue Jahr 2015 - Top-Gesundheit! Prosit!
    Recht freundlichen Gruss.
  • archiek 31. Dezember 2014, 17:19

    Back at you! Have a great New Year!
  • Harold Thompson 31. Dezember 2014, 17:18

    Goodportrait of Naomi great smile .
    Thanks for the wishes and to you too
    :-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 31. Dezember 2014, 17:03

    She is beautiful Maurice, such a lovely face that is all smile and those twinkling eyes... me thinks that she will be a real heartbreaker when she is a little older.
    Thank you for sharing her with us on your New Year greeting.
    All the very best of everything to you and your beautiful family.

  • Mark Billiau. 31. Dezember 2014, 16:10

    Thanks for the wishes, Maurice.
    I too wish you a great 2015 !!

  • Mirjam Burer 31. Dezember 2014, 14:07

    so sweet and so beautiful your treasure Naomi and a wonderful name Maurice...
    wishing you and your wife a very good 2015 and above all in good health!
    lg, Mirjam


Views 5.363


Kamera Canon EOS 60D
Objektiv ---
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/250
Brennweite 85.0 mm
ISO 1600