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Flighty Furrow

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which excuse?
what matters?
why retreat?
who cares?
why doubt?
won't trust?
why fear?
if what?

why not?

Flighty Furrow

Kommentare 12

  • laura fogazza 16. Januar 2012, 17:04

  • Accabadora 14. Dezember 2011, 18:04

    ! geistige nahrung!
    diese double u's nehm ich mir als wegzehrung und lebenshilfe mit !

  • christine frick 26. Oktober 2011, 13:58

    Der goldene Rahmen ist jetzt nicht so mein Ding, aber der Schäerfeverlauf gefällt mir sehr gut und natürlich die Perspektive, die spannend sich im unscharfen verliert.
    LG Chris
  • Lola Martínez Sobreviela 10. Oktober 2010, 2:23

    We have to dive headlong into the sky.
    Hay que lanzarse de cabeza al cielo.
  • Dragomir Vukovic 28. September 2010, 19:13

  • Max Stockhaus 20. Mai 2010, 13:09

    Rahmen kannst du auch gut übrigens

  • Max Stockhaus 20. Mai 2010, 13:09

    deine Baumfotos haben mich heute inspieriert mich demnächst auch an Bäumen zu versuchen

    Nach Tauben, Köpfen, (und Plümchen) glaub ich, dass ich langsam so weit bin.
    Hab sogar heut schon den ersten Versuch gewagt und bin gespannt, weil fein analoger Knipser wieder

  • lucy franco 5. Mai 2010, 0:05

    the sky is far too much for my legs tied to the land.
    My eyes see a tree that rises, but not to climb stairs. Its bark is only clear up to my eyes, the branches towering .non be able to climb on the rough surface that smells of drops of chlorophyll.

    .. But the blue of the sky is freedom.

  • Claire L. 3. Mai 2010, 14:08

    ...looking at the world from the bottom!
    ...an interesting view! Sometimes we all should change the perspective with which we judge and see things!
    Kind regards, Claire
  • Adele D. Oliver 2. Mai 2010, 4:36

    We are so small - indeed like beetles compaired to such a mighty tree. A very effective perspective, an image that provokes thought, an abstract painting!!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Kaith Kakavouli 27. April 2010, 17:21

    ...and climb to the top, will see the world......
  • s. sabine krause 27. April 2010, 15:46

    : ))))) makes me feel like a reincarnation of a kafka's gregor samsa, except that i'm not a cockroach but rather a bark beetle hungry for all kinds of delicious woods and prepared to climb up high to satisfy my appetites ; ))… great shot! great original point of view! gives me vertigo, even though i'm looking up rather than down – but hey, gravity is the only thing that's keeping me rooted to the ground anyway. if it weren't for gravity we'd all be sailing off into the sky which wouldn't neccessarily mean "upward" as the earth is as round as a soccer ball – am i making sense at all? i'm not sure ; ))… greetings, sabine. p.s. since this is in the "food section": i just watched a show about trees the other day. beeches, i learned, are in fact edible – both the leaves (a yummy salad?!) and the nuts!



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