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Fliegende Elefanten

Fliegende Elefanten

14.636 5

Michael Engelmann

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Lübeck

Kommentare 5

  • Michael Engelmann 10. August 2015, 19:01

    Hi, Eye_in_the_sky ! Many thanks for your note and the Information. it is indeed not allowed and she had to ask me. I would permit it with a link to my FC-Site : )
  • Eye_in_the_sky 10. August 2015, 15:51

    very nice work. as i am always interested in the artists rights i might have some new information for you: https://www.facebook.com/irene.lebner?fref=ts
    i have no idea, if this is some kind of copyright infringment or not, but at least you should know, that your work is appreciated by many people. keep up your good work.
  • think in color 15. September 2013, 21:23

    Ich liebe es! Bitte mehr
  • ql-pixx fotoartist 10. September 2013, 18:43

    So schön surreal.....Gefällt mir ausserordentlich gut .
    Ich liebe solche Arbeiten
  • Martina H-P 10. September 2013, 11:38

    das erinnert mich Dumbo,ob Elefanten auch den Wunsch verspüren fliegen zu können:-)steht ja im Gegensatz zum Gewicht, ein Bild zum Träumen und loslassen,
    top, lg tina