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Christmas Tree Surprise

Christmas Tree Surprise

4.029 3

Neil Auty

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Christmas Tree Surprise

You sometimes forget you have a kitten, but a new climbing frame in the living room soon reminds you. Putting up the christmas tree this year was an opportunity for exploration not lost on our new family member...

Funky Monkey was killed today by a car. It never stopped, but it was quick.
July 2005 - April 2007
''You brought us such joy in such a short life. You will never be forgotten"

Kommentare 3

  • Sarah D. Kiefer 6. April 2007, 15:18

    i'm sorry to see this happen to such a lively, mischievous and wonderful little one... funky is in a place now where the chrismas trees never fall over!
    take care,
    sarah k
  • Tina Rhea 3. August 2006, 23:17

    This is why we haven't had a Christmas tree for years. As soon as the youngest one calms down enough to try it, another young cat comes along, even crazier....
  • Nadine Schmadtke 29. November 2005, 16:58

    Very funny!!! My dog loved to lie beneath the christmas tree.. and when standing up the whole thing started to fall unless one of us was fast enough ;-)