Adieu Champion!
Muhammad Ali / Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. (Louisville, 17/01/1942 – Phoenix, 3/06/2016)
Post Producer: Maurizio Moroni
The image include parts of property of different authors. The copyright of every single part belongs to the respective author. Star Wars Characters Copyright ©Disney (Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor) (The Final Countdown- Europe)
Chi non ha immaginazione non ha ali! / Qui n’a pas d’imagination n’a pas d’ailes - Muhammad Ali
Solo l' uomo che sa cosa vuol dire essere sconfitti è in grado di raggiungere le profondità della sua anima per tornare con quella forza in più che serve per vincere / Seul l’homme qui sait ce que c’est d’être vaincu peut atteindre le plus profond de son âme et revenir avec le supplément de force qu’il faut pour gagner - Muhammad Ali
Muchas Gracias por vuestros comentarios! Merci pour vos commentaires! Thanks for your comments! Grazie per i vostri commenti! Dank für Ihre Kommentare!
Mercì Beaucoup à Stefania Cecchetti
pour la proposition en Galerie!!!
Antonello Medici 12. September 2016, 12:42
Che bel tributo . Complimenti !!!!E. Haamel OLD SCOOL 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
pro+++++++++++++++† Ushie Farkas 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
PROBen-ito 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
PROAdele D. Oliver 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
PROmohane 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
pro pour ce très bel hommage!manouchette 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
Un SUPERBE hommage à ce grand champion... BRAVO, je vote proBeautycodes 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
SUPERBE !PRO ! 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
PROSylvia Schulz 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
+JValentina 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
++Ines R 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
PROmirko meloni 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
Proigna78-photography 21. August 2016, 21:47 Voting-Anmerkung
+++Emilio Sirletti 21. August 2016, 21:46 Voting-Anmerkung
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