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The Rossfall, a small waterfall hidden in a forest on the Schwaegalp mountain pass in eastern Switzerland. By the way, the river/ creek is called Urnaesch.

I used a polarizing filter to reduce reflections on the water and to intensify the colors of the vegetation. It also helped to achieve an exposure of 8 seconds.

Kommentare 2

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  • Matthias Moritz 19. Juni 2018, 15:45

    Its a beautiful location! The chosen exposure time has a good designing impact on the photo. The water looks like a mystic flow. The leaf canopy in the upper right is also perfect to complete the situation.

    I am not that satisfied with the crop. The rock in the foreground takes almost the half of the whole picture without offering much information. The main motive should be because of its beauty the waterfall. Put more focus on it.