Meine Top Fotos
Über mich
photographer: /f??t??r?f?/ a person who takes photographs, either as a job or hobby.
I'm just a guy with a camera who loves taking pictures. While technically proficient with the science of photography, I am struggling with the creative side. I have yet to take that one image that totally blows me away.
Currently I am playing around in the world of landscape photography. But my true passion is people and portraiture. I hope to expand my horizons this summer and begin experimenting with street photography and hopefully meet some subjects who are willing to become my in-front-of-the-camera victims.
Now that I am retired, I have extra time (in between all my other hobbies) to focus (no pun) on producing innovative and imaginative images.
Thanks for stopping by and please browse through my small collection of works and provide some constructive feedback on my images. I'm always looking at improving my talent.
Please contact me if you are illing to help me expand my portaiture portfolio. I am looking for people in the Regensburg area who would like to model for me M/W/D - it doesne't matter. Let's get together and create some spectacular portraits.
I'm just a guy with a camera who loves taking pictures. While technically proficient with the science of photography, I am struggling with the creative side. I have yet to take that one image that totally blows me away.
Currently I am playing around in the world of landscape photography. But my true passion is people and portraiture. I hope to expand my horizons this summer and begin experimenting with street photography and hopefully meet some subjects who are willing to become my in-front-of-the-camera victims.
Now that I am retired, I have extra time (in between all my other hobbies) to focus (no pun) on producing innovative and imaginative images.
Thanks for stopping by and please browse through my small collection of works and provide some constructive feedback on my images. I'm always looking at improving my talent.
Please contact me if you are illing to help me expand my portaiture portfolio. I am looking for people in the Regensburg area who would like to model for me M/W/D - it doesne't matter. Let's get together and create some spectacular portraits.
Heinz R. Hennig 14. Mai 2022, 15:56
Recht vielen Dank für Deine Lobe vg heinzfesselblitz 13. März 2022, 18:15
Hallo, vielen Dank für Dein Lob! LG fesselblitztaneck 8. März 2022, 21:57
Thank you for your likes! TanjaJan Tomlinson 7. März 2022, 17:43
Hallo, vielen Dank für dein Lob ung gutes Licht... Lieber Grüsse IanHeikem43 27. Februar 2022, 18:25
Hallo JohnDanke für dein Lob
Zu meinem
Bunte Inspiration
MarionE. 23. Februar 2022, 5:09
Vielen Dank fuer Dein Lob.LG
Heikem43 20. Februar 2022, 19:55
Vielen Dank für dein LobZu meiner Seejungfrau
Heikem43 15. Februar 2022, 17:21
Vielen Dank für deinKRÖNCHEN
Heikem43 12. Februar 2022, 10:21
Moin moinDanke für dein Lob
Zu meinem
Licht aus Spot an
Heikem43 6. Februar 2022, 10:01
Guten Morgen....Vielen Dank für deine Lobe
Auf meiner Seite
Heikem43 24. Januar 2022, 16:45
Vielen Dank für dein LobZum Auedeich
Heikem43 22. Januar 2022, 15:10
Jaaaaaa Dankeschön,-)Ständig dasselbe
Finde ich langweilig...
Ein schönes Wochenende
Heikem43 22. Januar 2022, 15:02
Dankeschön....Für dein weiteres Lob
Zu meinem
An die Kette gehängt
Heikem43 22. Januar 2022, 14:39
Vielen Dank für dein LobZu meinem
Das Leben ist wie ein Feuerwerk
Heikem43 8. Januar 2022, 14:22
Vielen Dank für dein LobZu meinem Remember
Ein schönes Wochenende...