José Moreira

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Porto

Über mich

My name is José Moreira.
I´m from Porto, Portugal. I´m an architecture


- Analogic Gear: Cosina; lenses50mm
- Digital Gear: Olympus c8080; lenses 28/140 2.8/3.5; 8MP
- Digital Gear: Olympus E1; lenses 14/54 2.8/3.5



Kommentare 95

  • Frechdax . 15. Juni 2009, 10:08

    Porto é magnífico !
    I have forgotten my portugues, but i love Portugal.
    You have interesting pictures here!
  • -Jana- Zimmermann 21. August 2007, 19:19

    Hi José, I´m very happy when I see that you wrote something to my fotos. Thank´s for this ( and sorry for my bad english ;D ). In the first days when I was here on the site I have seen your fotos and I like it in the first moment.
    Yours Jana
  • -Jana- Zimmermann 30. Dezember 2006, 22:12

    Hi Josè,
    I love your fotos. The first moment when I see it I now that I love it. ;D
    I wish you a happy new year and more beatiful moments and Idears

  • Fräulein Xinhixnh 13. Juli 2006, 18:24

    you have so much wonderfully poetic pictures, that you have to get orange ; )
  • Tommi Arina 14. Februar 2006, 23:52

    Hello, José,
    Very nice photos you have. I like it so much. This one
    [ lighthouse ]
    [ lighthouse ]
    José Moreira
    photo look than like it was been painting but is still photo. Wow. You are PRO!

    Greetings from Finland
  • Hochzeitsfotoknipser 9. Februar 2006, 22:22

    Hello José

    a big obrigado for your comment on my picture :-)

  • Jasmin Undihreumwelt 24. November 2005, 14:26

    danke... ;)
    vg jasmin
  • Dragomir Vukovic 24. November 2005, 3:58

    Beautiful touch in your work
  • Shades of gray 20. November 2005, 19:12

    ich bedanke mich für die anmerkung und finde in deinem portfolio sehr feine bilder. >orange
  • Steffen°Conrad 2. November 2005, 20:12

    Hello Jose !!

    Thanks for your comment to my picture!!

    Steffen from berlin
  • Adina Sostiego 25. Oktober 2005, 13:53

    oi josé.

    posso te dizer q amo as suas fotos. adoro este estilo q vc tem. mesmo assim q ainda nao sei muita coisa sobre o mundo da fotografio estou afim de aprender e saber mais disso.

    vai com deus e se cuida. adina
  • Cristina H. 23. September 2005, 21:24

    Olá e boa noite,

    fazes fotografías bonitas.
  • Andi W 22. September 2005, 21:53

    Hola Jose,
    Gracias para tu comentario!
    Tu estilo fotografico me gusta mucho !!
    Saludos !!

  • Die Resi. 6. August 2005, 15:24

    merci :)
    ja. heute rette ich die welt.
    ja. heute rette ich die welt.
    Die Resi.
  • I admine I 29. Juli 2005, 22:20

    Hallo José,

    habe mich sehr über Deine netten Anmerkungen sowie Deinen Profieintrag bei mir gefreut!
    Danke Dir!
    lg silvia
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