Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Appreciating Art

at the Vancouver Art Gallery the paintings of Takashi Murakami - and a group of young children learning about his art ... which was fascinating !!!!
taken last week - all with available light
Takashi Murakami is a Japanese contemporary artist. He works in fine arts media (such as painting and sculpture) as well as commercial media (such as fashion, merchandise, and animation) and is known for blurring the line between high and low arts. He coined the term "superflat", which describes both the aesthetic characteristics of the Japanese artistic tradition and the nature of post-war Japanese culture and society, and is also used for Murakami’s own artistic style and that of other Japanese artists he has influenced.
and now in the English voting channel with many thank-yous to Joelle Millet:

Le moulin
Le moulin
Joëlle Millet

Le temps des fruitiers
Le temps des fruitiers
Joëlle Millet

à sec !
à sec !
Joëlle Millet

Kommentare 83


Ordner FC Gallery
Views 110.684


Kamera Canon PowerShot SX50 HS
Objektiv 4.3 - 215.0 mm
Blende 4
Belichtungszeit 1/13
Brennweite 8.1 mm
ISO 200


Galerie (Menschen)
8. November 2018 71 Pro / 29 Contra

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