Katerina Zumrová

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, Podebrady

Über mich


Kommentare 264

  • Kalyan Miki Mukherjee 20. September 2014, 20:39

    It's been a while since I wrote you last time;-) hope you're ok & enjoying your life.
  • Kalyan Miki Mukherjee 20. Dezember 2013, 12:37

    Wish you merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
  • Randy Abella 16. Juli 2009, 16:52

    Hi., Hello Katerina

    long time no hear from you... try to visit my photos..

    i like your all concept the "The Roof In The European Parliament " photo are my favorites...

    Randy Abella
  • Kalyan Miki Mukherjee 26. April 2009, 20:15

    Ahoj Katerina!

    How are you? Hows life going? long time no hear :-)

    Hope you're well! take care!

  • Zdenek Baranek 21. Dezember 2008, 18:45

    Merry Chistmas
  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 21. Dezember 2008, 12:55

    Sagi :-)
  • Zdenek Baranek 26. Dezember 2007, 12:24

    Merry Chrismas and Happy new year.Zdenek
  • Bergfee 23. Dezember 2007, 9:44

    Frohe Weihnachtstage und alles Liebe und Gute für das Jahr 2008 !
    LG Eva
  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 23. Dezember 2007, 0:21

    Sagi :-)
  • Ladislav Patrný 19. Dezember 2007, 15:22

    Merry christmas and happy new year.
    I´m wishing you a very good year and lots of nice photos in year 2008.
  • Tomas Pauko 18. November 2007, 23:05

    Dufam ze sa nenahnevas, ze som ti na niektore fotky napisal aj kritiku. Ale ja osobne som vela komentarov s kritikou nevidel... co sa mi velmi nepaci... pretoze potom sa je aj tazko zlepsovat. Ja osobne mam kritiku velmi rad... samozrejme tu zdravu kritiku. Vidno ze ta fotenie bavi... co je myslim hlavny zaklad toho aby si sa zlepsovala... tak dufam ze to bude uz len stale lepsie a lepsie... prajem dobre svetlo.
  • Maja Korndörfer 17. September 2007, 21:10

    hi katerina!
    I just wanted to say, that I like your pictures and maybe you should erase the "(but I don´t making them very well...)" of your profile. why do you say something like this about your photos? do not say something like this! you could say you are would be glad about honest critics or something like that, but I don't think this sentence fits wth your pics!
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 3. September 2007, 16:12

    Hi Katerina
    There're forums as well as the voting center where you can participate in, as a paid member here...
    If you need any more info here I will be glad to help!

  • Dennis Maloney 30. Juli 2007, 17:10

    Hi Kate,
    Hope you do not mind me calling you Kate...thanks for stopping by and comenting on my pictures, and hope you come back soon...looked at some of your pictures and like them a lot...regards, den
  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 12. Juli 2007, 11:42

    Hi Katerinko, thank you ! :-)
    a kdepak jsi to videla? ;-)

    Sagi :-)
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