30.712 89

What Is Art?

If only the spectators or auditors are infected by the feelings which the author has felt, it is art.

Oh, I guess to make this one art, I have to tell you what I felt when I did this shot: "*#'#*~~~##***, I should really try harder to focus!"


Kommentare 89

  • Antis 2. Februar 2014, 1:11

    point without point;(:)
  • s.m.j.soghrati 1. Februar 2013, 12:12

  • Alexsander B.B. 15. Dezember 2010, 7:01

    I like image visual influence & frame too)
  • dorukseymen 21. November 2010, 22:31

    amazing. nice work
  • muhammad karim 2. Oktober 2010, 19:38

    very inspiring and beyond imagination...great
  • hedyeh 15. Juli 2010, 12:25

    your finger :-))
    that is true?!!
  • Media Rahmani 25. Juni 2010, 11:08

  • Serge Sophienczuk-Wojczyszyn 20. Juni 2010, 22:02

    Many thanks for the welcome mail.
    What is art? Does this photo answers? Or — the picture offered another question — more for feeling than for intellect. . . .
    The theme is profound: HJSyberberg in his Parsifal-installation (Documenta vii) shows the change of st. Graal radiance from red to white (and Mark the Gnostic in his pseudomiracle change white wine in transparent chalice to red, as st. Irinæus report), — blood will be light, flash will be spirit, hard work will be joyful contemplation of the fruits, — but the light may become bloody, spirit may become fleshly and contemplation may become as a hard work. All this is about art. And what is about photo? Does its question is “profound”? The spectator stops rhetorical talking about work — and looks — and that`s good result (Wagner`s Parsifal asked: “Wer ist der Gral?” Gurnemanz replayed: “Das sagt sich nicht. . . Sieh!”) . . . But does the pause in talking is really deep?
    Minimalism is in search of the symbol that pose obstacle for mind. This picture is good essay on such way, but not the invention. Standard format with nonrealistic minimal image and galvanizing question in title — bella idea! — But the frame of invitation mail substantially supports this paradox.
    The invention of said Mark Rothko (better — of the abstract expressionism) was the colored surface. When we abstract image from material surface — we may activate some other elements for replenishment of the language, e.g. integrate “literary” title, citation, author`s comment into image (imitation of poster). This is not the question of this successful attempt. But this set up a base for the successful work.
  • Rob7Crown 15. Juni 2010, 3:38

    Art is what you create with your imaginary thought.
  • Hai Hoang 11. Mai 2010, 11:42

    Day and Night
  • Dr.Szirmai János 7. Mai 2010, 10:18

    Excellent composition! I like it very much! Many thank's for the fotomail! Hi János
  • Kambiz Bagheri 17. April 2010, 6:12

    Thank you very much.
    Excellent !!!
  • Deb Watts 29. März 2010, 0:06

    Thank you for your help with fotomail and my welcome. I am very much a newbie to all of this.
  • iyunk cruise 27. Dezember 2009, 13:01

    picture worth a thousandword
  • Dragomir Vukovic 21. Dezember 2009, 21:05

    excellent !



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