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vieux bassin honfleur

vieux bassin honfleur

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vieux bassin honfleur

the "old bassin" of honfleur breathes a serene tableau, where the history is as deep as the waters mirroring the sky. sailboats rest gently in the harbor, their masts reaching like eager hands for the heavens. the waterfront buildings, with their timeless facades, stand as colorful guardians of maritime tales. there's a stillness here that speaks louder than any bustling city street, a tranquil rhythm set by the lapping of water against the docks. as the ferris wheel looms in the background, it offers a whimsical contrast to the enduring grace of the port. this scene is a woven tapestry of the old and the new, the playful and the poised, the reflection of a town that has watched centuries pass and yet remains, a steadfast witness to the tides of time.

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Views 3.208


Kamera ILCE-7C
Objektiv FE PZ 16-35mm F4 G
Blende 5
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 16.0 mm
ISO 100

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