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kostenloses Benutzerkonto, München

Kommentare 7

  • Kilian Philipp 15. August 2020, 20:11

    Schönes Bild dieses Gondelensembles! LG Kilian
    • DB9 29. Juli 2020, 17:33

      Ach ja, danke für Dein Lob
    • Vitória Castelo Santos 29. Juli 2020, 18:42

      ..the same place ... Venice does not deserve a visit in times of pandemic ... the risk is very great and the beauty of the city is very reduced ... the city has been rotten without conservation for years. I was there for the first time in 1966 and it was already in ruins.
    • DB9 30. Juli 2020, 9:32

      The Problem of Venice is, they are dying of tourism but can't survive without. Rich chinese People are coming to buy everything. Sale is running....So let's make asa much pictures as possible, before it becomes to a big chinese Disneyworld.
      Pandemic is no problem, they have good hygienic standards. Wearing masks in every shop, temperature control in hotels and restaurants.
      So i will go back and leave some money there, hoping it will help to stop the buy-out...
    • Vitória Castelo Santos 30. Juli 2020, 15:35

      I am a pulmonologist and public health doctor and I do not trust sanitary measures that are not even followed by many except on paper. Care is needed until there is an effective medication or vaccine and wait for better days sooner or later. Closing borders, quarantine and mandatory masking on all sides would have been the best and quickest solution to the problem. That's how it worked in the 1912 pandemic. People and many governments still don't take the current situation seriously. I love to travel , but I've been home since February. Currently, only those who want to commit suicide or pass the disease on to others leave home for a vacation.