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The Wraith- Part 2.

The Wraith- Part 2.

9.074 3

mike snead

kostenloses Benutzerkonto, umbria.

The Wraith- Part 2.



Kommentare 3

Bei diesem Foto wünscht mike snead ausdrücklich konstruktives Feedback. Bitte hilf, indem Du Tipps zu Bildaufbau, Technik, Bildsprache etc. gibst. (Feedbackregeln siehe hier)
  • Carlo.Pollaci 17. Juni 2018, 12:56

    Super Portrait.
  • Claudio Micheli 13. Juni 2018, 23:03

    Immagine molto bella.
  • Greg GE 13. Juni 2018, 22:07

    Since you ask for feedback... I'll give you mine with pleasure.

    Mike, I have had the chance to see a number of brilliant shots in your portfolio... Generally, I am impressed by the coolness of your muse's expression (alway a bit aloof), by the original way you stage her beauty, often looking upwards, and by the filters you create or use. All of these make your photos stand out of the lot. Many have a unique, "signature" look.

    As to this photo : do I enjoy its beauty ? No. But that's not your point. You made a statement and you made it very convincingly - she does look like a wraith, hovering over the sand, looming dangerously on that bleak beach, leaning slightly back, nonetheless threatening, staring with huge black eyes in a pale face, her features in a ghostly blur, her lips tightly pinched together most likely hiding long, thin vampire's teeth.
    So: bravo ! You have reinvented your model and done it very, very well. As a side note : I wonder if she is happy about being a wraith, all of the sudden.

    What don't I like ? The framing, for one, I find it very narrow. Her face : it is hard to distinguish her beautiful traits. Her silhouette : it has lost its pretty feminine shape. But that is consistent with the idea of a ghost and fully fits into the picture... no pun intended.

    I have nothing more to say, apart from : respect ! and that too many words destroy the picture.



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