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The Living Forest (118) : The Bilisse Rock

The Living Forest (118) : The Bilisse Rock

2.638 15

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (118) : The Bilisse Rock

In some forests, mass of rocks can be seen which are very impressive, like here the Bilisse Rock (60 meter high).

It’s remarkable to see there is life on the rock. Some plants and trees seem to have no problem to grow there.

Being 500 million (!) years old, this rock saw the dinosaurs coming and going.
If these stones could talk…..

Location : Solwaster (Belgium)

Kommentare 15

  • Fotoliebe-tattoliebe 28. Januar 2014, 10:46

    Lg GIovanni
  • Charly Roggow 4. September 2010, 18:04

    feine Naturimpression und Bildaufbau
    LG Charly
  • Angelika El. 4. September 2010, 0:25

    Was für beeindruckende Felsformationen! Sehr schön istg auch der Farbkontrast zwischen Gestein und den Bäumen!!! Klasse...


  • Deryck 2. September 2010, 21:01

    I suppose if they could talk, we would be very much wiser. Imagine those stories :-)))
    Great shot of these beautiful cliffs
  • Die Mohnblumen 2. September 2010, 20:55

    Hallo Mark,
    erstklassig präsentiert.
    Wenn die Menschen weiter so mit der Erde umgehen, wird sich das Bild in sehr kurzer Zeit wandeln.
    Danach gibt es wahrscheinlich keine Menschen mehr und die Erde kann sich erholen.
    LG K-H
  • Ryszard Basta 2. September 2010, 19:15

    ciekawa formacja skalna
    znakomicie sfotografowana
  • Josef Kainz 2. September 2010, 17:33

    Gute Aufnahme gefällt mir
  • Vera Shulga 2. September 2010, 16:07

    Rock's life is more longer than human life...
  • Gruber Fred 2. September 2010, 14:30

    Wow,was für eine Felswand.In diesem schönen Wald würde ich mich auch gerne rumtreiben.
    LG fred
  • Christine Ge. 2. September 2010, 12:25

    Diesen uralten Gesteinsbrocken präsentierst in bester Weise. So beeindruckt seine Gestalt und Umgebung ebenso wie die Vorstellungen von der Geschichte der Welt, die Du in Deinem Text anregst.
    Gruß Tina
  • Karin Wilkerling 2. September 2010, 12:24

    yes - if they could talk... great picture and very good and interesting story Mark
  • Daniela Cognigni 2. September 2010, 11:39

    Molto interessante questo blocco di roccia stratificato e molto ben ripreso nella sua splendida ambientazione.
    Ciao Mark, buona giornata.
  • Werner R. Albert 2. September 2010, 9:43

    Indeed, very impressive.
    well shown, Mark.
    best wishes
  • s. sabine krause 2. September 2010, 9:15

    amazing!!! to touch the surface of that ancient rock or scratch one's back on it, and simply imagine a brontosaurus might have done the same millions and millions of years ago! you are right: what a great silent witness to history and time! good, though, it doesn't have a soul, 'cause if it did it might feel bored by now, nailed to the same spot for… well, eras ; ))! its rugged, primevil look reminds me of fossilized wood! greetings, sabine.
  • Anca Silvia B. 2. September 2010, 8:19

    love it...excellent picture my friend,hugs,anca