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Lunch at Dong Van market

Lunch at Dong Van market

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Lunch at Dong Van market

Dong Van is the northernmost district of Ha Giang province in Vietnam. Once a week, local villagers from the surrounding hills, including the Hmong, Tay, Nung and Hoa ethnic groups, flood into Dong Van for the Sunday market. Each group of people travel to the market, with pedestrians carrying baskets of vegetables, fruits, chicken cages, bird cages, buffaloes, cows, and those on bicycles and motorbikes transporting bundles of goods or small pigs. Others are dressed in colourful ethnic costumes and come to the market from hamlets far away just for fun and entertainment.

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Kamera NIKON D500
Objektiv 18.0-200.0 mm f/3.5-5.6
Blende 5.6
Belichtungszeit 1/640
Brennweite 170.0 mm
ISO 1600