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Children of the Dammed

Children of the Dammed

36.168 79 Galerie

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Children of the Dammed

There is a class society where the idea of abandoning ll hope really existed, from one generation to the next. Now with India's new look of the western culture. Something is stirring about to change that so all can claim the fact they are a resident of India.
However within the inner structure of India, the class system is something the people do not want to give up , because in their minds they have earned a place in class, and would hate for someone lower in class to rise above them.

India must not only claim all as equal class it must see that the color of one skin must be seen as one India, and last that money is India's one true religion.

Thank you MTV India for bring the irony to light.

Kommentare 79


Ordner Forgotten India
Views 36.168


Galerie (Menschen)
13. März 2013 69 Pro / 56 Contra

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