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Child Fairy on A Saturday Hopping Clouds

Child Fairy on A Saturday Hopping Clouds

13.185 63 Galerie

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Child Fairy on A Saturday Hopping Clouds

Day dreams come so often now. A girl jumps from joy along side her mother. She appears as if she is jumping clouds with fairy wings as her hair dances behind her when trying to keep in step.

I think I understand why women like beaches now.

It has to do with their mothers showing them the secrete lace between the elements that only women see. This is different for boys with pales and shovel in hand trying to make castles to the sky and never do.

Life is a joy. as I come to the phrase for boys.

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jumped over the candlestick.

I still don't want to get up. I'll see what else passes me. I kind of like this spot.

Kommentare 63


Ordner Things I see
Views 13.185


Kamera Olympus EM10
Objektiv ---
Blende ---
Belichtungszeit ---
Brennweite ---
ISO ---


Galerie (Menschen)
13. Januar 2015 69 Pro / 56 Contra

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