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Blick zum  Roque de los Muchachos

Blick zum Roque de los Muchachos

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Blick zum Roque de los Muchachos

The caldera is about 10 km across, and in places the walls tower 2000 m over the caldera floor. The highest point is the Roque de los Muchachos on the northern wall, at 2426 m altitude, which can be reached by road. The Cumbrecita is at a lower point in the south-eastern part of the caldera's rim, giving a good view into the Caldera. In the south-west the caldera opens to the sea, through a riverbed known as Barranco de las Angustias. The Cumbre Nueva is a ridge that starts at the caldera and continues to the south.

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Kamera Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Objektiv TAMRON SP 15-30mm F/2.8 Di VC USD A012
Blende 8
Belichtungszeit 1/250
Brennweite 30.0 mm
ISO 100

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