Otto Lussenburg

Premium (Basic), Assen

Über mich

Photography is a major part of my life, allthough I never made a living out of it. I am photographing since I was 8 or so (so nearly all of my life) but never took time to develop my skills any further than an 'amateur-status' and a more or less commercial day-calender with many of my photographs.
Juist as many other photographers I forget to enjoy the pictures I took in the past, I hope this forum will help me to do so and to focus more on this great hobby.
During the second lockdown in The Netherlands I made over 200 pictures of people behind their windows: they were inside, I was outside. Thanks to all of these people it developed to a pretty optimistic photo book of this period.
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  • Fotograf (Fortgeschritten)
  • Fotointeressiert


Fujifilm X E2 (digital)
Nikon FA (analogous)
Minox GTE (analogous)
and several other analogous cameras