This place, this bike has been abandoned for a long time. Why anyone bicycle, I do not know the owner. I do not know of course even in this small apartment dwellers. Now that's the only owner, then perhaps this plant in the picture. Even such a small wild, in reality they are wild. I am fun to find them. Thank you for your comment!
Holger Findling 24. Juni 2012, 18:13
Nice to see you at fotocommunity.Regards
silvermist 13. Juni 2012, 16:37
This place, this bike has been abandoned for a long time. Why anyone bicycle, I do not know the owner. I do not know of course even in this small apartment dwellers. Now that's the only owner, then perhaps this plant in the picture. Even such a small wild, in reality they are wild. I am fun to find them. Thank you for your comment!The Wanderers 23. Dezember 2009, 10:23
Merry Christmas and a happy new Year to you, Harlod!Regards Ulrike & Eberhard