The ritual of Anastenari (Fire walkers)...
Fire walking takes place in five places of the Northern Greece on the day celebrating Sts Constantine and Helen. Fire walkers are gathered in theHall (called Konaki) where the icons and holly relics are kept. Under the music of the drum, the lyra and the back pipe they are working themselves up and at the night dance on the fire as an ultimate test of their faith to the saints...
Dragomir Vukovic 13. Juni 2017, 21:07
* great one *Harald. Brede 22. November 2016, 16:31
Eine starke Szene dieser Tradition, sehr gut präsentiert.BR, Harald
Janos Gardonyi 20. November 2016, 3:05
are they crazy?? wonderful b/w scene...........janossparkling light 16. November 2016, 10:07
A strong and emotional scene. Marvellous documentary photo.greetings,
Adele D. Oliver 15. November 2016, 21:41
an amazing scene of faith and tradition ... expertly captured and excellent in black andwhite - thank you for the interesting explanation !!!
best regards,