Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

In Case You Did Not Find

the book you were looking for in my previous photo, here is another look into the bookstore in Fairhaven with a pile of more books .... and still this is just a part of all lthe books that were there on two floors .

Booklovers' Paradise
Booklovers' Paradise
Adele D. Oliver

Kommentare 2

  • Günter Walther Vor einer Stunde

    If you can't find anything to read here, it's your own fault. An addictive motif for book lovers like me.
    Best wishes
  • claudine capello Vor 4 Stunden

    si on ne cherche pas qqch de precis  c est assez amusant de passer un moment dans une librairie .... jolie cadrage  d un lieu qui se presente comme un labyrinthe !!!!tu sais quand tu rentre pas quand tu sors..... ah ah !!! bravo cl