The End of the World von Siegfried Vogel

The End of the World


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24.10.2011 um 18:58 Uhr
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It was one of those hot summer days. you know, when you feel like a fish in the air, gasping for breath. In the evening, you could long see the building up of the clouds, dark and violent.
I was driving home in my car, when the rolling of thunder became louder and louder, and lightning behind the clouds illuminated the scenery.
When I parked my car and smelled the air, it was full of electricity and ozone. In that moment the whole world was waiting for discharge...


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frieda frieden, 18.11.2011 um 11:39 Uhr

ich liebe diese *hinterblitzte* wolkenformation...
zum gruseln!

Dragomir Vukovic, 24.02.2014 um 2:12 Uhr

fine and beautiful !

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